Look, we need to talk about something.
If you’ve been to even one genealogy conference, you already know exactly who I’m talking about.
These people are our people. And yes, I’m probably one of them too. (Aren’t we all?)
Quick disclaimer: If you’re reading this and thinking “I don’t know anyone like this”… I hate to break it to you, but you might be the main character.
And that’s okay. We still love you.
Let’s dive into the five characters that make every genealogy conference feel like a family reunion – minus the awkward conversations about who inherited Great-Aunt Mildred’s china.
1. The Badge Warrior
You can spot them from across the hall.
Why? Because their conference badge has more layers than your brick wall ancestor has conflicting birth records.
Spotting Them in the Wild
Their conference credentials look like a cascading waterfall of ribbons. Somehow, they’ve even got ribbons from events that never happened. (Looking at you, Covid cancellations.)
Truth: Their badge weighs more than their laptop.
Not kidding.
Natural Habitat
- Hovering near registration desks like a ribbon-seeking missile
- Simultaneously attending three committee meetings
- Front row. Every. Single. Session.
How They Can Help You
These folks are your ticket to the genealogy promised land. They know which speakers give out door prizes. Need to get into that sold-out DNA workshop? They’ve got connections.
And yes, they absolutely have spare ribbons in their conference bag. Don’t ask me how.
Becoming Their Friend
Want in on the ribbon mafia? Here’s your strategy:
Ask about their first conference ribbon. Watch their eyes light up like they’ve just found their ancestor’s original marriage certificate.
Pro tip: Offer to trade ribbons. They live for this stuff.
2. The Conference Veteran
These legends remember when “cloud storage” meant keeping your documents in the attic.
Spotting Them in the Wild
Still references the 1984 conference keynote like it was yesterday. Has OPINIONS about modern research methods. Carries both an iPad and a paper notebook because “you never know.”
Real talk: They’re usually right.
Natural Habitat
- Their designated seat (unchanged since 1992)
- The hotel bar, sharing microfilm injury stories
- Anywhere they can reminisce about pre-internet research
How They Can Help You
Pure gold, these folks. They know which research strategies actually work. They’ve seen every genealogy company come and go. And their conference handout collection? Legendary.
Becoming Their Friend
Listen to their stories. Seriously. Just listen.
Share your own research battle scars. They respect the hustle.
3. The Social Butterfly
The person whose phone battery dies by 10 AM.
Spotting Them in the Wild
Their phone never stops buzzing. Their Twitter feed moves faster than your ancestors moved west. They’ve posted more conference selfies than your entire photo collection.
Natural Habitat
- Dominating the conference hashtag
- Bouncing between seventeen different meetup groups
- Creating impromptu dinner plans for 30 people they just met
How They Can Help You
Need connections? They’ve got them. Looking for others researching your surname? They know someone. Want more blog followers? They’re your person.
Becoming Their Friend
Just follow them. Everywhere. (Online, I mean. Don’t be creepy.)
4. The DNA Detective
The person who dreams in chromosome browsers.
Spotting Them in the Wild
Can explain X-DNA inheritance patterns while eating lunch. Has “just one more question” after every genetic genealogy session.
Their laptop screensaver? Chromosome paintings. Obviously.
Natural Habitat
- DNA lectures (front row, naturally)
- Testing company booths
- Anywhere with WiFi to check new matches
How They Can Help You
Wonder why you match your cousin’s dog? They can explain that.
Seriously though, these folks understand genetic genealogy at a level that makes your head spin. And they’re usually happy to help.
Becoming Their Friend
Share your most confusing DNA match. Watch them light up like a centimorgans chart.
5. The Historical Reenactor
Time travelers with research skills.
Spotting Them in the Wild
Full period-appropriate clothing. Even at modern venues. Even in July.
Will absolutely tell you everything historically inaccurate about your favorite period drama.
Natural Habitat
- Period costume workshops
- Social history lectures
- The vendor hall (hunting for historically accurate accessories)
How They Can Help You
Want to know how your ancestors really lived? These folks know. They can read that weird 1783 handwriting. They understand historical clothing better than modern fashion.
Becoming Their Friend
Ask about their costume’s historical accuracy. Prepare for a fascinating hour-long discussion.
The Truth About All of Us
Here’s the thing: We’re all these people. Maybe not all at once (though some overachievers manage it). But we all have a bit of each in us.
Because at the end of the day, we’re all here for the same reason: We’re obsessed with family history. And we’re not sorry about it.
Next year, you might find yourself becoming one of these types. If you haven’t already.
And honestly? The genealogy world is better for it.
Remember: The real family tree was the friends we made along the way.
(Yes, I really just wrote that. No, I’m not taking it back.)
Good read. Thanks.