Genealogy Made Simple

Build your family tree with easy, step-by-step guides, from beginner to advanced. Discover your unique story and bring your family’s history to life.
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As seen in…
Genealogy Explained featured on Ancestry
Genealogy Explained featured on Legacy Family Tree Webinars
Genealogy Explained featured on MyHeritage
Genealogy Explained featured on CNN
Genealogy Explained featured in Forbes
Genealogy Explained featured in Wired
Genealogy Explained featured in Toronto Sun
Genealogy Explained featured in USA Today
Genealogy Explained featured on KSAZ-TV FOX 10 Phoenix
Genealogy Explained featured on KNXV-TV ABC 15 Arizona

Featured Guides

Get Started with Genealogy
This article is meant for beginners and will cover the basics to help get started in this rapidly growing hobby.

Genealogical Proof Standard
Proving facts without direct evidence is tough, but the GPS is there to help you through the process.

Free Genealogy Websites
Check out these 26 totally free genealogy websites to help you uncover your family history.

What is the Best DNA Test?
This guide will break everything down for you, and help you choose the best test for your specific needs.

23andMe vs AncestryDNA
A comparison of 23andMe vs Ancestry based on the six most important factors to consider before choosing a DNA kit.

Best Genealogy Software
An in-depth look at the best genealogy software to build and manage your family tree. for Beginners
A comprehensive guide to, the world’s largest online genealogy resource.

MyHeritage for Beginners
Learn about the unique features and subscription options available at MyHeritage.

FamilySearch for Beginners
Learn about the FamilySearch website, and find some tips to navigate the various functions and features available.